Toño Jauregui
“Dosis de Rencor” (Music Video)
Direction - Art direction - Video recording & editing
Creative direction and directed by Rodrigo Ríze
Co-directed by Mauricio Lucena
Director’s assistant: Alejandra Vallejos
Selected press: El Comercio Peru
After years of working together in different projects, the Peruvian musician Toño Jauregui invited me this time to direct the music video for his song “Dosis de Rencor” and create the visual atmosphere of the single.
The idea for “Dosis de Rencor” - “Dose of resentment” was born in Paris as a conversation about the emotions that quarantine brought. A project with no frontiers, part of the video was recorded in Paris and the other part in Lima, Peru.
Stills from the video:

Director’s Cut: